
spring is here!

it was a beautiful sunday today!
 the weather has been a tad bit dreary recently. clouds, rain...at least its not snow!
but today, was sunny! i decided to walk to church so i could enjoy the nice weather.
on my way home, after church, i took my sweet time walking the couple of blocks back home. the change in the air is obvious. its getting warmer, there's a yummy fragrance...the change in the scenery is gorgeous! color all over! i enjoyed all of the bushes and trees blossoming with cute little flowers.

all of our fruit trees in the backyard are blossoming too!
we have apricot, apple, cherry, plum, and pear!

i love all the flowers on our beautiful trees, and i can't wait for the fruit that we will enjoy later on in the season! pretty flowers and delicious fruit on its way is so exciting!

spring is here and life is good!

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