
stadium of fire!

let me just say....wow!
last night's festivities were amazing!
mom and dad fryer were visiting, as well as my little sister, older sister and hubby, mom and dad reinsch, and the rest of the reinsch family!
being with all of them made it perfect. 
add family perfection, to the stadium of fire celebration, and you get amazing!
here are some pictures, but they really don't do justice for how wonderful the evening was!

even though you can't tell, i promise, the beach boys were on that stage!
sooooo cool, right!?!?

literally, the stadium of fire!

one of the most spectacular firework displays i've ever seen!

and since that doesn't do it justice, here's a video that might...

all in all, it was such a good evening!
now all the family has left and its just my mr. fryer and me again. we can't wait to go visit them all in a couple of weeks!

on a different note, utah has been up in flames for the past couple of weeks. fires have been starting everywhere and a lot of people have been evacuated from their homes.
attempts at fighting the fires have not gone unnoticed, but for those of us that haven't been able to fight the fire physically, we have had prayer.
 as i have been sitting here writing, it started raining outside....
so cool, answer to our prayers for the safety of our fellow utahns

life is good :)

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