
6 months and some exciting news!

today marks 6 months from the day that my mr. fryer and i were married!
there's nothing special planned for today though.
we both have work and the mr. has army duties tonight.
but still, we made it :)
we have been so blessed in these first 6 months.
we made the decision to move, and immediately found somewhere to live
within a month of moving, we both had jobs
we both love our jobs
the mr. was approved for financial aid for school!
we know Heavenly Father has led us in these 6 months and we are both so grateful to him!
it has been a wonderful 6 months! 
i'd say the best 6 months of my life,
 but i know that the next 6, and the next, and the next...etc...will be just as good!
thank you to all who have made the first 6 months of marriage amazing! 
espcially to my mr. 
he is so wonderful and i love him!

now, for the exciting news....
drum-roll please!!!

we are purchasing a home!!!
it is a cute little town home and we love it! 
it is a new construction home so it won't be ready for us until the end of december.
it will be such a great first christmas gift to the both of us!
we are both so excited!
right now it is just the foundation in the ground 
but here is the website, so you can all go have a look at how it will look when its finished! :)

life is good!

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