
my hubbster

i just have to say....
i love this hottie so much!
he works so hard to support our little family
with a full time job and classes, he's been pretty busy
but he still makes time for me!
he is so thoughtful, strong, smart, helpful, loving...
really just way more than i could have ever asked for!
he has reminded me every month on the 17th that its our "month-iversary"
he makes dinner when he gets home first, and washes lots of dishes
he warms my side of the bed up before i crawl under the covers
he gives fabulous massages
he stops at the store to pick up groceries when i ask him to
he goes jogging with me
he does most of the laundry
and he even puts the toilet seat down!
i got so lucky! 
sorry ladies, my mr. fryer truly is the best out there
i love him!


babies, road blocks, and houses!

i know, i know. its been too long again. 
there is lots to blog about.
ready? go!

end of august, my first nephew came into the world!
i got to go see him right away, i think he was 3ish hrs old when i got there.
little Harrison Clark Reinsch
he is  precious and i can't stay away from him!
of course, he's already a month old and much bigger.
i am his favorite aunt
and he's pretty fond of my mr. too
(this picture gets me everytime...my mr. will be an amazing daddy someday)

this past week has been a trying one
my mr and i were faced with a big trial
i feel so blessed to have Josh by my side.
he strengthens me and helps me have a more eternal perspective.
i know Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family.
sometimes its hard to see and we have to just trust that He knows what is best for us.
life goes on, and we are recovering from this crazy unexpected road block
our love for each other is that much stronger

moving on....
our house is looking much more like a house! 
here's some pics i took within a week of each other

so exciting right!!!
i can't wait until its finished and ready for us to move in!
until then, we will patiently wait...

life is so good (even with trials)