
my hubbster

i just have to say....
i love this hottie so much!
he works so hard to support our little family
with a full time job and classes, he's been pretty busy
but he still makes time for me!
he is so thoughtful, strong, smart, helpful, loving...
really just way more than i could have ever asked for!
he has reminded me every month on the 17th that its our "month-iversary"
he makes dinner when he gets home first, and washes lots of dishes
he warms my side of the bed up before i crawl under the covers
he gives fabulous massages
he stops at the store to pick up groceries when i ask him to
he goes jogging with me
he does most of the laundry
and he even puts the toilet seat down!
i got so lucky! 
sorry ladies, my mr. fryer truly is the best out there
i love him!

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