
i fell again today...

another post about my Mr....
what can i say? i'm a newly-wed!
i'm not forcing you to read it ;)

today in nursery, we had a kid who was having a rough day.
he wasn't sharing very well
he kept pushing the kids that were trying to play with his toy
and he kept screaming...
after i had a few failed attempts at correcting his behavior, my Mr took this boy in his arms.
he sat him on his lap and said....

"micah, we can't push our friends. we have to share and be nice. we're at church and Jesus wants us to be nice to our friends. can you be nice and share? if you can't, you have to stay on my lap. will you be nice? will you share your toys and be a good boy?"

he was no where near frustrated or angry.
where i would have been aggravated, he was very calm.
he was so gentle and loving. 
he handled the situation perfectly.
micah nodded, hopped off of my Mr's lap (i would've chosen to stay...)
 and was a good boy for the rest of nursery.

i fell in love with josh all over again.

he will be a wonderful daddy when that time comes.
i'm so glad i married him.

....some other times i fall in love again....

when he sings just loud enough for only me to hear
when he shares his desire to serve our country
when he shovels the snow out of the drive way and off of my car
when he twirls me randomly while we're on a walk
when he speaks french, even though i can't understand a word he's saying
when he tells me everything is going to be alright
every single time he smiles

life and love are so good! :)

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