
Dylan J Fryer

We didn't have our Mr. Dylan last time I was blogging so I thought I'd introduce him. Dylan is 1.5 years old and we have loooooved having him in our family. I'm pretty sure God knew that we needed an easy baby first so we would want more. Dylan has been such a sweetheart from the start. He's always been a great sleeper and a pro eater! He's always quick to smile and laugh and he looooves to be the center of attention and make people laugh.
Recently, Dylan really likes to see Daddy off in the morning. He'll walk to the door, say "bye dad" and as soon as the door is closed, he peeks out the window to watch Daddy drive away.

He also loves to climb up on this stool and play piano for me. It makes me so excited to pass on my love of music to him!

Dylan is a real animal lover. He has grown up with two dogs in the house and they all make such great playmates. He loves most other animals too. Even if he doesn't want to touch them, he is very aware and interested. His most recent favorite is any bird. I pointed a few birds out to him one day and ever since, he has been mesmerized. Then we took a trip to the zoo and went to their bird show. It was like magic for him, especially because we sat right in the flight path of the birds flying over the crowd.

This little man makes my heart so happy!

Life is good!

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