
Dylan needs a sibling!

Before any of you get all excited, no we're not pregnant.
But Dylan NEEDS a sibling! For the past few months, I've been nannying. I watch E, a 6 year old, little girl. E has some learning/social disabilities and so, although she is 6 years old, she often seems younger than Dylan. She is adorable and we have so much fun hanging out. A perk of working with E is that I get to bring Dylan along, and let me just say, he adores her! However, the feelings are not mutual and she often ignores him, which makes for some funny happenings.
I often catch Dylan trying to give E hugs. He will run up to her, arms outstretched, and latch them around her waist.....only to be dragged around as she continues walking/running . He tries to keep up with her while she runs around doing her own thing but his little legs just can't keep up. When she disappears out if sight, Dylan always wants to know where she went.
Dylan really likes to help E out too. Whenever she drops anything he will run and pick it up and give it back to her. A toy, her binky, her sippy cup, etc. He is such a helpful little guy!
For the most part, it seems like E doesn't really care that Dylan is there. But every now and then I catch her patting his head. She also loves it when Dylan starts laughing. She'll start giggling too.
They have their own way of playing together a well. E has an indoor swing that she spends a lot of time on. Dylan has tried playing with her on the swing but it always ends up badly for him (the swing is at the perfect height for Dylan head bashing). He finally discovered that, from a safe distance,  he can take one of those big exercise balls and roll it in front of the swing. From there, E can either kick it or swing over it and wedge it under the swing which makes her ride a little bouncy and more fun. After a little while, she'll kick it back out and Dylan will grab it and the game begins again. Dylan really needs a sibling at home to play with while we're not playing with E.
I am so blessed to have such a sweet boy and thankful that we get to be a part of E's life.
Life (with littles) is good!

My little deep thinker

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