
just playing catch up :)

my hubby is home :)
it makes me a happy happy girl!
in other news, he had me waking up at 5:30 yesterday and today! 
i guess he didn't MAKE me, but i like to make breakfast for him before he leaves so i get up...early.
today, it took me a long while to finally get up after the alarm went off. it was a very sleepy morning. i shuffled into my slippers and into the kitchen. i needed to make something quick for him so oatmeal and water got poured into a bowl and went into the microwave...
...the broken microwave...
poor mr. fryer, i didn't even realize until after i had already dropped him off, after he had eaten every bite from that bowl. he is such a good husband, he even thanked me this morning for breakfast....even though it was probably cold and gross. i failed at being a wife this morning.

more stories, this week has been a good one. at work on friday, some random lady dropped off a single rose and told me it was for me...

kind of odd, right? so for the rest of my shift i was wondering what in the world was the rose for, who was it from....when i got off, i walked to my truck (actually mr. fryer's truck that i get to drive) only to find that the windows were left open. i never leave the windows open. i open up the door and see a whole beautiful bouquet of roses on my seat!

my wonderful, cold oatmeal eating husband had dropped it off on his way home from work. 
in short, i love him!

and on a totally different note...
i candied nuts for the first time this morning!
i'm making a yummy spinach, strawberry salad for dinner with some friends tonight. the perfect addition is some candied nuts! they didn't turn out perfect, but at least i didn't burn them! i'll just pop them in the oven to crisp them up and it will be delicious!

life is good :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I'm glad to hear the rose was from your husband.
