
busy badgers

we have been busy busy busy! we've been tossing around the idea of becoming home owners. there have been lots of houses to look at. 
unfortunately, there are even more prospective buyers that have the same price range as us. every time we find a house we might be interested in, there is already multiple offers on it. 
oh well, we're not in any rush.

we went camping over memorial day weekend! we went down to fish lake, its about 3 hours south of us and up in some mountains. sounds like the perfect kick off for summer right?
it snowed every day while we were out there! 
we had snow all day long for the first day we were out there. 
it got better though. the next day, it only snowed during the morning. by late morning it had cleared up and turned out to be a beautiful day!

we went on a little hike up a big hill and that is what we saw! the lake was so blue, the grass was a blend of lively greens and velvet browns. soooo pretty!
our hike then led us down to the waters edge, and we could see where we had been up on the hill!

gorgeous right!?
it ended up being a fantastic camping trip, even if it did snow!

i've also been feeling very creative in the kitchen recently!
here are some of my recent creations....
bacon, onion, garlic biscuits! (made from pancake mix! who knew!)

this is kind of a sucky picture, but these are dark chocolate brownies swirled with blackberry jam!
also very yummy!

i also made some delicious peanut butter bars! i didn't get a picture of them, but here is the website where i found the recipe. enjoy!

my sister is coming out to visit this month, i'm sure we'll have lots of stories to tell. 
until then!

life is good! :)

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