
toe eating doors!

this is where i work. the doors look so welcoming don't they!? 
well don't be fooled. these doors are vicious toe eaters!
this morning, i was going about my responsibilities, cleaning the glass doors. i opened one of the doors and it bit my toes! i put up a good fight but didn't get away without injury. 
my toes are pretty beaten up and i limped around for the rest of the day.
stupid toe eaters. they've let their secret slip and now everyone will know!
beware the hang time doors!

on tuesday this week, i worked with these wonderful ladies
 a blonde, a redhead, and a brunette
we are a blonde joke.
we had a normal shift and then afterwards, we decided that we needed a girls night.
we ended up going to plato's closet, because who doesn't love thrift stores that carry designer brands!?
well...we got a little silly with some of the clothes there...

the end.
good story huh?

life is good :)

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