
bursting with apricots!

yes, we are bursting with apricots! 
and it is only from one of our apricot trees! the other one is getting all orange and ready too! soon we will have so many apricots, we won't know what to do with them!
but for now, i have the perfect recipe for apricots!
apricot fruit leather!
here's how they all started, just apricots cut in half...

then we blended them all up with some sugar and lemon juice, stuck them on some cookie sheets and baked them at 170 F for a very so long time (6-10 hrs) until they were all dry and delicious looking!

 i was so excited when the first batch was done. i've made 4 pan fulls so far! they disappear so quickly! i can't wait to make more with the thousands of apricots we'll have soon!
yay for home-made fruit leather!

p.s. do you say ay-pricots or aa-pricots?

life is good :)
(and full of aa-pricots!)


brave...spoiler alert!

i'm sure you all have heard of this movie. all of the trailers are pretty...well vague. 
the only thing i knew the movie was about was a scottish red headed princess. 
with my little sister visiting, i knew we would be going to see this movie. she's a big disney movie watcher, especially if the lead role is a strong willed woman.
sooooo...we ended up going on friday evening.
i really liked it...a lot.
i don't want to ruin it, buuuuut it was mostly about her relationship with her mother.

it made me think about my mother and what a great example she's been in my life

like the mother and daughter in the movie, we've had our share of rough patches.
there have been a lot of times where we haven't understood each other.

there have been even more times when she has been my best friend, my only confidant, my shoulder to cry on, my road trip buddy, my fashion consultant, my personal house call doctor, my soft landing, my junk food and exercise buddy, and so much more.

i love my mom and i'm so glad that she is mine. 
we have shared so many laughs and tears. i haven't always been the easiest daughter to mother, but she has loved me through it all. 
i can only hope that, when the time comes, i can be as good of a mother as she is to me.
i love her, and she loves me.

life is good :)


toe eating doors!

this is where i work. the doors look so welcoming don't they!? 
well don't be fooled. these doors are vicious toe eaters!
this morning, i was going about my responsibilities, cleaning the glass doors. i opened one of the doors and it bit my toes! i put up a good fight but didn't get away without injury. 
my toes are pretty beaten up and i limped around for the rest of the day.
stupid toe eaters. they've let their secret slip and now everyone will know!
beware the hang time doors!

on tuesday this week, i worked with these wonderful ladies
 a blonde, a redhead, and a brunette
we are a blonde joke.
we had a normal shift and then afterwards, we decided that we needed a girls night.
we ended up going to plato's closet, because who doesn't love thrift stores that carry designer brands!?
well...we got a little silly with some of the clothes there...

the end.
good story huh?

life is good :)


busy badgers

we have been busy busy busy! we've been tossing around the idea of becoming home owners. there have been lots of houses to look at. 
unfortunately, there are even more prospective buyers that have the same price range as us. every time we find a house we might be interested in, there is already multiple offers on it. 
oh well, we're not in any rush.

we went camping over memorial day weekend! we went down to fish lake, its about 3 hours south of us and up in some mountains. sounds like the perfect kick off for summer right?
it snowed every day while we were out there! 
we had snow all day long for the first day we were out there. 
it got better though. the next day, it only snowed during the morning. by late morning it had cleared up and turned out to be a beautiful day!

we went on a little hike up a big hill and that is what we saw! the lake was so blue, the grass was a blend of lively greens and velvet browns. soooo pretty!
our hike then led us down to the waters edge, and we could see where we had been up on the hill!

gorgeous right!?
it ended up being a fantastic camping trip, even if it did snow!

i've also been feeling very creative in the kitchen recently!
here are some of my recent creations....
bacon, onion, garlic biscuits! (made from pancake mix! who knew!)

this is kind of a sucky picture, but these are dark chocolate brownies swirled with blackberry jam!
also very yummy!

i also made some delicious peanut butter bars! i didn't get a picture of them, but here is the website where i found the recipe. enjoy!

my sister is coming out to visit this month, i'm sure we'll have lots of stories to tell. 
until then!

life is good! :)