
i fell again today...

another post about my Mr....
what can i say? i'm a newly-wed!
i'm not forcing you to read it ;)

today in nursery, we had a kid who was having a rough day.
he wasn't sharing very well
he kept pushing the kids that were trying to play with his toy
and he kept screaming...
after i had a few failed attempts at correcting his behavior, my Mr took this boy in his arms.
he sat him on his lap and said....

"micah, we can't push our friends. we have to share and be nice. we're at church and Jesus wants us to be nice to our friends. can you be nice and share? if you can't, you have to stay on my lap. will you be nice? will you share your toys and be a good boy?"

he was no where near frustrated or angry.
where i would have been aggravated, he was very calm.
he was so gentle and loving. 
he handled the situation perfectly.
micah nodded, hopped off of my Mr's lap (i would've chosen to stay...)
 and was a good boy for the rest of nursery.

i fell in love with josh all over again.

he will be a wonderful daddy when that time comes.
i'm so glad i married him.

....some other times i fall in love again....

when he sings just loud enough for only me to hear
when he shares his desire to serve our country
when he shovels the snow out of the drive way and off of my car
when he twirls me randomly while we're on a walk
when he speaks french, even though i can't understand a word he's saying
when he tells me everything is going to be alright
every single time he smiles

life and love are so good! :)


my hubbster

i just have to say....
i love this hottie so much!
he works so hard to support our little family
with a full time job and classes, he's been pretty busy
but he still makes time for me!
he is so thoughtful, strong, smart, helpful, loving...
really just way more than i could have ever asked for!
he has reminded me every month on the 17th that its our "month-iversary"
he makes dinner when he gets home first, and washes lots of dishes
he warms my side of the bed up before i crawl under the covers
he gives fabulous massages
he stops at the store to pick up groceries when i ask him to
he goes jogging with me
he does most of the laundry
and he even puts the toilet seat down!
i got so lucky! 
sorry ladies, my mr. fryer truly is the best out there
i love him!


babies, road blocks, and houses!

i know, i know. its been too long again. 
there is lots to blog about.
ready? go!

end of august, my first nephew came into the world!
i got to go see him right away, i think he was 3ish hrs old when i got there.
little Harrison Clark Reinsch
he is  precious and i can't stay away from him!
of course, he's already a month old and much bigger.
i am his favorite aunt
and he's pretty fond of my mr. too
(this picture gets me everytime...my mr. will be an amazing daddy someday)

this past week has been a trying one
my mr and i were faced with a big trial
i feel so blessed to have Josh by my side.
he strengthens me and helps me have a more eternal perspective.
i know Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family.
sometimes its hard to see and we have to just trust that He knows what is best for us.
life goes on, and we are recovering from this crazy unexpected road block
our love for each other is that much stronger

moving on....
our house is looking much more like a house! 
here's some pics i took within a week of each other

so exciting right!!!
i can't wait until its finished and ready for us to move in!
until then, we will patiently wait...

life is so good (even with trials)


the couch that wouldn't fit, but had to anyway

long story short, 
 we helped some friends move
this couch was too big
wifey didn't want to get rid of it
husby made wifey happy

the end

life is good :)



our little house is slowly, but surely, being built! 
this week we were able to go see it on friday.
they were pouring the cement for the garage so guess what we got to do....

we put our very first decorative details into our house! 
it was a small thing but it made me that much more excited for our  new house!

life is good :)


6 months and some exciting news!

today marks 6 months from the day that my mr. fryer and i were married!
there's nothing special planned for today though.
we both have work and the mr. has army duties tonight.
but still, we made it :)
we have been so blessed in these first 6 months.
we made the decision to move, and immediately found somewhere to live
within a month of moving, we both had jobs
we both love our jobs
the mr. was approved for financial aid for school!
we know Heavenly Father has led us in these 6 months and we are both so grateful to him!
it has been a wonderful 6 months! 
i'd say the best 6 months of my life,
 but i know that the next 6, and the next, and the next...etc...will be just as good!
thank you to all who have made the first 6 months of marriage amazing! 
espcially to my mr. 
he is so wonderful and i love him!

now, for the exciting news....
drum-roll please!!!

we are purchasing a home!!!
it is a cute little town home and we love it! 
it is a new construction home so it won't be ready for us until the end of december.
it will be such a great first christmas gift to the both of us!
we are both so excited!
right now it is just the foundation in the ground 
but here is the website, so you can all go have a look at how it will look when its finished! :)

life is good!


hang time summer camp!

this past week has been filled with summer camp.
i've done a summer camp before when i worked as a gymnastics coach.
the gymnasts would come in the morning and stay for 4-6 hours. 
mostly we just had fun on all the gym equipment.
i thought this most recent summer camp would be pretty similar. 
what i didn't take into consideration was most of my gymnasts were girls and all of the hang time campers were boys....

the hang time summer camp was supposed to go from monday through friday.
on monday, the boys all showed up.
 andrew (7) ethan (9) oliver (9) calvin (12) brenden (12)
right off the bat, it was not a good camp day. 
my summer camp partner in crime, andrea, was running late that day. 
i was alone with 5 boys that were very unenthusiastic about the games i had planned.
even when andrea showed up, it didn't get easier.
we made it through that first day with lots of groans from the boys, and lots of nervous sideways glances between andrea and me.
it was not going as planned.
we decided to rope one of the safety coaches, patrick, into helping us out. 
maybe the campers would be more excited about a cool guy coming and jumping with them.


the rest of the camp was a blast! the boys loved their new toy (a.k.a. patrick) and he brought up a ton of ideas that helped us adjust our games and activities into something the boys would enjoy

in the end, it was a summer camp to remember! everything turned out perfectly and the boys want to come back for our next round of summer camp! 

un/fortunately i won't be around for it. my Mr. and i are vacationing that week in oregon and california! 
more news and pictures from that to come.

life is good :)


stadium of fire!

let me just say....wow!
last night's festivities were amazing!
mom and dad fryer were visiting, as well as my little sister, older sister and hubby, mom and dad reinsch, and the rest of the reinsch family!
being with all of them made it perfect. 
add family perfection, to the stadium of fire celebration, and you get amazing!
here are some pictures, but they really don't do justice for how wonderful the evening was!

even though you can't tell, i promise, the beach boys were on that stage!
sooooo cool, right!?!?

literally, the stadium of fire!

one of the most spectacular firework displays i've ever seen!

and since that doesn't do it justice, here's a video that might...

all in all, it was such a good evening!
now all the family has left and its just my mr. fryer and me again. we can't wait to go visit them all in a couple of weeks!

on a different note, utah has been up in flames for the past couple of weeks. fires have been starting everywhere and a lot of people have been evacuated from their homes.
attempts at fighting the fires have not gone unnoticed, but for those of us that haven't been able to fight the fire physically, we have had prayer.
 as i have been sitting here writing, it started raining outside....
so cool, answer to our prayers for the safety of our fellow utahns

life is good :)


4th of july nails!

there is a rosa family tradition that has been carried on throughout all of time.
to celebrate the 4th of july, we paint our nails! wooo!
i'm not a rosa anymore....so i've made it a fryer tradition now.
my little sister, jessica, myself, and mama fryer all got together and painted nails.
the event proceeded like so....

the finished project! 

even some fryers that weren't with us participated in the new fryer tradition!

with our patriotic nails, we are ready for the fireworks and fun!

life is good :)


bursting with apricots!

yes, we are bursting with apricots! 
and it is only from one of our apricot trees! the other one is getting all orange and ready too! soon we will have so many apricots, we won't know what to do with them!
but for now, i have the perfect recipe for apricots!
apricot fruit leather!
here's how they all started, just apricots cut in half...

then we blended them all up with some sugar and lemon juice, stuck them on some cookie sheets and baked them at 170 F for a very so long time (6-10 hrs) until they were all dry and delicious looking!

 i was so excited when the first batch was done. i've made 4 pan fulls so far! they disappear so quickly! i can't wait to make more with the thousands of apricots we'll have soon!
yay for home-made fruit leather!

p.s. do you say ay-pricots or aa-pricots?

life is good :)
(and full of aa-pricots!)


brave...spoiler alert!

i'm sure you all have heard of this movie. all of the trailers are pretty...well vague. 
the only thing i knew the movie was about was a scottish red headed princess. 
with my little sister visiting, i knew we would be going to see this movie. she's a big disney movie watcher, especially if the lead role is a strong willed woman.
sooooo...we ended up going on friday evening.
i really liked it...a lot.
i don't want to ruin it, buuuuut it was mostly about her relationship with her mother.

it made me think about my mother and what a great example she's been in my life

like the mother and daughter in the movie, we've had our share of rough patches.
there have been a lot of times where we haven't understood each other.

there have been even more times when she has been my best friend, my only confidant, my shoulder to cry on, my road trip buddy, my fashion consultant, my personal house call doctor, my soft landing, my junk food and exercise buddy, and so much more.

i love my mom and i'm so glad that she is mine. 
we have shared so many laughs and tears. i haven't always been the easiest daughter to mother, but she has loved me through it all. 
i can only hope that, when the time comes, i can be as good of a mother as she is to me.
i love her, and she loves me.

life is good :)


toe eating doors!

this is where i work. the doors look so welcoming don't they!? 
well don't be fooled. these doors are vicious toe eaters!
this morning, i was going about my responsibilities, cleaning the glass doors. i opened one of the doors and it bit my toes! i put up a good fight but didn't get away without injury. 
my toes are pretty beaten up and i limped around for the rest of the day.
stupid toe eaters. they've let their secret slip and now everyone will know!
beware the hang time doors!

on tuesday this week, i worked with these wonderful ladies
 a blonde, a redhead, and a brunette
we are a blonde joke.
we had a normal shift and then afterwards, we decided that we needed a girls night.
we ended up going to plato's closet, because who doesn't love thrift stores that carry designer brands!?
well...we got a little silly with some of the clothes there...

the end.
good story huh?

life is good :)


busy badgers

we have been busy busy busy! we've been tossing around the idea of becoming home owners. there have been lots of houses to look at. 
unfortunately, there are even more prospective buyers that have the same price range as us. every time we find a house we might be interested in, there is already multiple offers on it. 
oh well, we're not in any rush.

we went camping over memorial day weekend! we went down to fish lake, its about 3 hours south of us and up in some mountains. sounds like the perfect kick off for summer right?
it snowed every day while we were out there! 
we had snow all day long for the first day we were out there. 
it got better though. the next day, it only snowed during the morning. by late morning it had cleared up and turned out to be a beautiful day!

we went on a little hike up a big hill and that is what we saw! the lake was so blue, the grass was a blend of lively greens and velvet browns. soooo pretty!
our hike then led us down to the waters edge, and we could see where we had been up on the hill!

gorgeous right!?
it ended up being a fantastic camping trip, even if it did snow!

i've also been feeling very creative in the kitchen recently!
here are some of my recent creations....
bacon, onion, garlic biscuits! (made from pancake mix! who knew!)

this is kind of a sucky picture, but these are dark chocolate brownies swirled with blackberry jam!
also very yummy!

i also made some delicious peanut butter bars! i didn't get a picture of them, but here is the website where i found the recipe. enjoy!

my sister is coming out to visit this month, i'm sure we'll have lots of stories to tell. 
until then!

life is good! :)


just playing catch up :)

my hubby is home :)
it makes me a happy happy girl!
in other news, he had me waking up at 5:30 yesterday and today! 
i guess he didn't MAKE me, but i like to make breakfast for him before he leaves so i get up...early.
today, it took me a long while to finally get up after the alarm went off. it was a very sleepy morning. i shuffled into my slippers and into the kitchen. i needed to make something quick for him so oatmeal and water got poured into a bowl and went into the microwave...
...the broken microwave...
poor mr. fryer, i didn't even realize until after i had already dropped him off, after he had eaten every bite from that bowl. he is such a good husband, he even thanked me this morning for breakfast....even though it was probably cold and gross. i failed at being a wife this morning.

more stories, this week has been a good one. at work on friday, some random lady dropped off a single rose and told me it was for me...

kind of odd, right? so for the rest of my shift i was wondering what in the world was the rose for, who was it from....when i got off, i walked to my truck (actually mr. fryer's truck that i get to drive) only to find that the windows were left open. i never leave the windows open. i open up the door and see a whole beautiful bouquet of roses on my seat!

my wonderful, cold oatmeal eating husband had dropped it off on his way home from work. 
in short, i love him!

and on a totally different note...
i candied nuts for the first time this morning!
i'm making a yummy spinach, strawberry salad for dinner with some friends tonight. the perfect addition is some candied nuts! they didn't turn out perfect, but at least i didn't burn them! i'll just pop them in the oven to crisp them up and it will be delicious!

life is good :)